Web & App Gamer Passioner

Haobo Cheng

Basic Info About Me


With three years of experience as a website developer, I received my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science from Baylor University in 2019. Afterwards, I was hired as a Web Application Developer at Bstrong Technology Inc. in Dallas, where I witnessed the significance of cloud data and developed a strong desire to expand my knowledge in data analytics. This motivated me to enroll in a Master's program in Mathematics and Statistics at Georgetown University, where I gained valuable training in data analytics over the course of two years. I am now fully equipped to utilize my skills in both website development and data analytics, and I am currently working as a full stack developer at Global Dental Shop LLC. In my free time, I am continuously striving to learn and stay up to date with new technologies. If you have any interesting project ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

  • Name

    Haobo Cheng

  • Age


  • Website

  • Hometown

    Xi'an, Shaanxi China

Contact me! Checkout My Resume


Worked with ShopifyAPI, Managing multiple shopify websites. Building shopify plugins

Payment System

Worked with Braintree Payment Gateway API

Mobile App

Worked with FlutterFlow, Google AppSheet. Strong understanding on App UI developement

Database Design & Implement

Have multiple project experience with Firebase including: authentication, firestore, realtime database.

Cloud Service

Worked with Google Pub/Sub webhook, Google Map API, Google Compute Engines (gcloud commands / Linux OS).

Web Development

Front-end: React, AngularJS, Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap

Back-end: Django Framework (Python), NodeJS, PHP

Who is Gibbous?

My Resume

  • Education

  • 2015-2019

    Bachelor's Degree

    @Baylor University

    Major in Mathematics and Minor in Computer Science.

  • 2021-2022

    Masters Degree

    @Georgetown University

    Master in Mathematics and Statistics.

  • Experience

  • 2019-2020

    Web Application Developer

    @Bstrong Technology Inc.
    • Designed responsive, mobile-friendly websites for restaurants.
    • Design and build websites in the Angular.js framework using Service, Ag-grid, and HighChart for data visualization. An example of work is
    • Designed and Programmed the AImenu Online Order Owner Management website User Interface. Using React.js, BootstrapVue, Google Firebase, Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
    • Designed and programmed AImenu Online Order App User Interface using Google Flutter, Dart, Java, and Google Firebase. Developed in the Android Studio environment.
    • Familiar with the operations in Supermenu, Menusifu Java-based restaurant POS system. Experienced in the restaurant Order System.
  • Jan 2021 - Jul 2021

    Python Developer

    @Xi'an Jiaotong University JUMP Network Technology Co., Ltd.

    Designed and coded Scrapy spiders and middleware in Python to fulfill some specific filtering functions including:

    • Crowl information from standard virus database (NSFOCUS Security vulnerability Library) and update product database.
    • Crowl websites and build site tree to analyze and evaluate the degree of security vulnerabilities Implement web user request capture and tampering with Mitmproxy.

    The whole project is developed for both Linux and Windows. Git is used throughout the development process.

  • 2022-Now

    Full Stack Developer

    @Gloabl Dental Shop LLC.
    • Developed a customer-oriented database by fetching data from multiple Shopify websites and applying algorithms to integrate and organize the information.
    • The resulting database is designed to provide efficient data services and support various types of customer data analysis.
    • The project was coded using the Django framework and Python, with real-time Firebase serving as the database.
    • The web user interface was created using JavaScript and Bootstrap.
    • created a mobile-web application that streamlines the process of reporting broken products, tracking repair progress, paying repair bills, and receiving the repaired product.
    • This application greatly reduces the cost and effort required by both production factories and retailers, and brings all transactions and data online for easier management and analysis.
    • Technology Employed: ReactJS, FlutterFlow, GoogleAppsheets, NodeJS, Google Cloud Functions, Google Map API , sendGrid Email API, FedEx API, ShopifyAPI, Google Firebase.

My Hobbies


Legue of Legends



Yes, I read


Check out my works below!


Bstrong Technology Inc.


666nori retailer


Global Dental Shop LLC.


VISKOOT Medical Concierge App


Whrepair VISKOOT ERP Panel


Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Matched Proportions with Sparse Response